Last weekend was the final race at the 12hr Fat tire festival in Helen GA. Dave and I did a 2 man on a muddy and hilly course. We got down there in time to set up the pit and ride the course. With a quick bath in the creek it was of to downtown for food and maybe a beer. Then we walked into this pizza joint and on the way to the table to sit down there it was............THE BOOT Dave was quick to ask and the deal was buy it once and then $15.00 refills all over town. This thing held 2.5 pitchers of beer and after one and a pizza we were off to get a refill. Upon scouting out other possible refillers and the locals and police checking us out we headed back to the pizza place. We made it thru one more and were off. We ended up in the vans behind some motel. We rolled out that morning to Waffle House and then to the race. I had some trouble with the course but we had 2nd until Dave's stomach went south and we pulled the plug ending up with a third.
This weekend Shawn and I went camping with the boy scouts and it rained on and of all day Saturday turning to snow then ice at night. We woke to a white campsite packed up and came home. We stayed warm and had fun.
This week has been off the bike but next week will be getting back into the grove and the gym soon.